"This club shall be known as Felixstowe Chess Club. Its objects shall be the practice and encouragement of the game of chess which shall be the only game played in the club rooms".*
*Extract from the club rules adopted in 1946 from the Lord Eagle Chess Club, London
Felixstowe Chess club meets on Tuesday evenings at the Royal British Legion Club normally from 7.30 until about 10.00. We play friendly chess and hold club tournaments from time to time. We currently have two teams entered in the Suffolk Chess League. The season runs from about October to April the following year. All new members are welcome regardless of their playing strength.
We expect only two things: A love of the game and a willingness to learn.
"...what else exists in the world besides chess?"..Vladimir Nabokov, The Defence.*
'We applaud your site's ease of navigation, unique graphic displays and content'.
Nu-Horizons Design Studio
Welcome to the official home page of Felixtowe Chess Club. A big site for a small club! The club was founded on October 16th 1945. Seventeen people attended a meeting held at Felixstowe Secondary School. Dr. Johnston was elected to the chair and Mr. E. R. Springham was elected as Hon. Secretary & Treasurer . It was proposed by Mr. Herring and seconded by Mr. Goose that the club be called "Felixstowe Chess Club".
"There are two types of sacrifices: correct ones and mine". - Tal
"...He forgot everything, stick, hat, umbrella; above all, however, he would always leave behind his traditional yellow leather briefcase, so that it was said of him: wherever [his] briefcase is, there he himself is no longer to be found. It is therefore evidence of [his] pre-existence." To see who he is click here.
This site is really two sites in one.
Felixstowe Chess Club Pages: Home Page, Fixtures, Results & Events, Members Page.
My own chess pages: Games Page, Study Page, Quote Unquote, Endgame Studies, Problems
They are now color coded! Felixstowe's pages are one color; my own are another.
To all club players in Suffolk: Contributions* to this site are welcome from anyone!
*I am only able to accept these on a floppy-disk or a cd-rom.
If you are looking for something specific and you don't know which part of the site to go to just search below
The above position comes from
e U.S. Championship, 1999. Black to play. What happened next? Work it out, it's not that difficult! For the answer go to Feeney - Plesset.
I've just received the latest issue of Coffee Break Chess! Just click below.
For the latest from GM Alexander Baburin go to Baburin's Page
For more sharp positions like this to the study page
To all those who visit this site: Read the following!!
I intend developing this site further and any suggestions on how this might be done. I LOOK FORWARD TO RECEIVING THEM. Don't let me have all the good ideas!! The site email address is felixstowechess@lycos.com.
ANY COMMENTS OR QUESTIONS?? about this site should be sent to me the webmaster also at the above address. In particular, the development of the study page. If you prefer speak to me at the club or phone me on 01394 670623. But whatever you do REACT in some way. I intend making this site interesting, informative, even amusing at times, but above all else, THOUGHT PROVOKING!!!
Humphrey Bogart and Peter Lorre in a production still from the film Casablanca.
The above picture has nothing particularly to do with anything but I just think it looks nice!
Some things to look out for on the Net!
Did you know you can play live chess on the internet?
The Internet Chess Club This site isn't free. Once registered you get a free 7 day trial. If you're happy and want to continue the cost is $49 a year. If you want more info call: ICC on 412 521-5553 Monday - Friday 9 AM to 5 PM. This is an american number so take into account the time difference! I like this site. The graphics are unfussy and it's fairly simple to use. I was able to specify a minimum rating of my opponents. This ensured that I played some good players and had some hugely enjoyable games. On the subject of these ratings. This particular site uses four-digit ratings; they look like elo ratings but I'm not sure. They look a little like high for typical elo ratings - about 250 points. I think the way to convert these ratings to a BCF grade is to subtract 850 and then divide by 8. So for example, a rating of 2000 converts to a BCF rating on this site of 144. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. To see some of my games played on this site go to: My Games at The Internet Chess Club on the Members page. To see the site for yourself just click on the banner below:
The World's Most Active Chess Club
Itsyourturn This offers a kind of electronic correspondence chess. At the outset you can specify the maximum time limit per move. This can be anything from three days up to several weeks. When it's your turn to move a message is sent to your email inbox. For those who like this sort of thing this site may be what they are looking for. Personally it doesn't appeal to me in the least.
Some other sites I am familiar with which I think are worth a look are:
Chess Cafe A tremendously interesting site. Send them your email address and they will send you their newsletter regularly. Complete with archive with lots of material to download. Visit it and find out for yourselves. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
THE WEEK IN CHESS from Mark Crowther. This is one of the very best sites around. Comes HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
Highly recommended too is Chess Space, rated one of the top 5% of Web sites: it has links for openings and endings.
Many publishers and suppliers are getting onto the Web, in the British Isles this includes Batsford, London Chess Centre [Chess Monthly] (N.B. the web site is "chesscenter", the e-mail is "chesscentre"), KingPin magazine, Chess Mail.
Commercial suppliers on the web [like ChessBase, Yasser Seirawan's Inside Chess] can be found at Chess Space. They may have samples to download and/or a collection of links. One particularly for young players is to be found at Chess For Students.
Site of the month! www.Chesscorner.com
Chesscorner is, I think a fantastic, resource. This is a non-profit making chess website created by a chess enthusiast for chess enthusiasts, especially those new to this fascinating game. There's everything here for the beginner right up to expert level: software and lots of games to download [note that the games are in a 'zipped' format and you will require a bit of software like 'winzip' which, if you don't already possess, it can be downloaded from www.winzip.com. This is very easy to use and comes with good help files.] In addition to this you there is lots of stuff on world champions, openings, a chess forum where you can share your thoughts with other chessplayers all over the world. My god there is even a section you can go to to send chess greetings cards! As a bonus it say's it's fun too! Incredible; Just imagine that - why wasn't I told! Absolutely wonderful!! TRIPLE 'AAA' RECOMMENDED!!! Just click on the banner below to go there.
I will be constantly updating this list and welcome any additions to it from club members.
Legal disclaimer:
I did not have any influence on the organization and contents of any external linked pages. Herewith I dissociate expressly from all contents of all external linked pages on this web-site.
Although I've tried my best to eliminate any errors on this page if you find any I would appreciate it if you could send me an email about it at felixstowechess@lycos.com.
My other great passion!
Willard van Orman Quine, the dean of American philosophers, died at the age of 92 on Christmas Day. Just 50 years before, in December of 1950, he read a paper to the Eastern Division of the American Philosophical Association that rocked the audience back on its heels. "Two Dogmas of Empiricism," when published the following year, went on to become the most discussed and most influential article in the history of 20th-century Anglophone philosophy. Few pieces of similar brevity have had such an impact on the course of philosophical thought. It is a model of succinct and convincing argumentation, a good sample of Quine's elegant prose. But it is, above all, an imaginative breakthrough. For in it, Quine raised in a new and urgent form the old question of the relation between philosophy and empirical inquiry.