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There are many things that could go on this page. One idea that occurs to me are games played by club members complete with notes by the winner and or loser.
Try it for yourselves - it's one of the best ways to improve your game!
I've included some of my Internet Chess Games here. I haven't yet got around to adding notes to all of them. Be patient with me I'll get there!
Felixstowe - Ipswich 'F' Suffolk Chess League 2001
1.e4 e6 2.d4 e5 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.e5 c5 5.Bd2 No doubt inferior to 5.a3 but the surprise value makes it worth it. 5...a6 Intended to prevent my knight landing on b5. Normal is 6.Nb5 and now either 6...Bd2+ 7.Qd2 Nc6 8.f4 Nh6 9.Nd6+ Kf8 which led to a slight advantage for white [Sokolov-Vaganian, 4th match game, Minsk 1986, or 6...Nc6 7.Nf3 f6 8.Nbd4 Nd4 9.Nd4 Bd2+ 10.Qd2 fe5 11.Bb5+ Kf8 with advantage again for white [Sax-Korchnoi, Lugano 1986]. Note that both these games were played in the 80's when this particular line enjoyed a considerable following. 6.a3 Bc3 7.Bc3 cd4 8.Qd4 Nc6 9.Qg4 g6? Not convincing. I think black has to play 9...Kf8 here. 10.O-O-O Nh6 11.Qf4 Nf5 12.Nf3 h6? Too many pawn moves! Black has played a6, g6 and now h6 and all three are of dubious value. 13.h4 Bd7 14.g4 Driving the knight back and taking a powerful initiative. 14...Ne7 15.Bd3 Rc8 16.h5! g5 Losing the h-pawn. No doubt 16...gh5 looked unpalatable: 17.Rh5 Ng8 18.g5 threatening 19.g6. 17.Qf6 Commencing the demolition of Black's King-side.
17...Rf8 18.Qh6 Ng8 19.Qg7 b5 Black's attempted counterplay causes me no headaches. My opponent could have attempted to generate some piece activity by trying the pawn sac 19...d4?! 20.Nd4 Nd4. But now not 21.Bd4 but 21.Bb4! wins on the spot. Pity. The idea behind 19...d4 would have been correct; the execution just doesn't work. 20.h6 Nh6 21.Rh6 As a contest the game is now effectively decided. White proceeds to put his opponent to the sword in convincing fashion. 21...Qc7 22.Rh8 Ke7 23.Qf6+ Ke8 24.Rf8+ Kf8 25.Rh1 Ne7 26.Rh8+ Ng8 27.Ng5! Bc6 Apart from resigning, what else is there? But it does create a pleasing finish. 28.Ne6+ 1-0. Undoubtedly my smoothest win of the season.
R. Grayburn v G. Jones
u125 Final. Felixstowe v Hadleigh
1.e4 d5 2.ed5 Nf6 3.Nc3 Nd5 4.Bc4 I have since realized that 4.Bb5+ is better and after 4...Bd7 5.Bc4. 4...e6. Surely 4...Nb6 is more natural. 5.Nf3 Bb4 6.O-O O-O 7.a3 Ba5 8.b4 Bb6. Preferable is 8...Nc3 9.dc3 Bb6. 9.Na4 Nbd7 10.Bb3 c6 11.Nb6 Qb6 12.c4 Nf4. The Knight should go to square f6. 13.d4 Ng6 14.h4! The opening has not gone well for Black. His minor pieces, in particular are struggling to find their best squares. With 14.h4 I'm threatening to kick Black's wandering knight out of g6. 14...Nf6 15.Bg5 Ne4 16.Be3 Qc7 17.Bc2 Nd6? This is the eighth time that Black's Knight's have moved and now neither of them are well placed. Again this Knight should go back to square f6. 18.h5 Ne7 Knight move number nine! That's fifty percent. 19.Qd3 g6 20.Bh6 Rd8 It looks natural to place this Rook opposite my Queen but 20...Re8 would have eased the coming log-jam. 21.Bf4 Qd7 22.Ne5 Qe8 It's not possible for the Queen to return to square c7 of course because of 23.c5 Ndf5 24.Ng6 wins the exchange at least. 23.Ng4! Exploiting my opponents fatal black square weaknesses around his King and the culmination of the minor piece maneuvers which commenced with 20.Bh6.
23...Qf8 Black suffers a ruinous material loss. However, if 23...Kg7 I had intended 24.h6+ Kh8. Or 24...Kf8 25.Nf6. 25.Nf6 Qf8 26.Be5. 24.Bh6 Ndf5 25.Nf6+ Kh8 26.Bf8 Rf8 27.hg6 fg6 28.Ne4 Rd8 29.g4 Nd4. 29...Rd4? 30.Qc3. 30.Qc3 e5 [Time control] 31.Kh2 Bg4 32.f4 Nf5 33.fe5 33.Nf6 Be2 34.Rf2 would have been more efficient. 33...Nf3+ Now it really is all over; but if 33...Nc2 34.e6+ Kg8 35.Nf6+ Or 34...Ng7 35.Rf7. 34.Rf3 Bf3 35.Qf3 1-0. A nice win. Pity we lost the match.
My Games at The Internet Chess Club
A selection of the more interesting games I have played on the Internet Chess Club site.
JJJA (1880) v. R. Grayburn (1814)
Rated standard match, initial time: 15 minutes, increment: 12 seconds
Played April 6th 2001
Time for each move shown in brackets
1. e4 (0:04) c5 (0:08) 2. Nf3 (0:03) Nc6 (0:04) 3. d4 (0:02) cxd4 (0:03) 4. Nxd4 (0:01) e5 (0:02) Varying from the normal 4.Nf6 and signaling my intent to steer the game into a less usual line. 5. Nb5 (0:20) a6 (0:02) It was still not too late to channel the game into a more familiar Sicilian Sveshnikov setup: 6...d6 7.Nc3 Nf6 8.Bg5 a6 9.Bf6 gf6 10.Na3. This variation is not for the faint-hearted! Black voluntarily accepts a huge hole on d5 and a rotten pawn structure in exchange for the possibility of pressure down the g-file, two powerful bishops and, if white is not careful, a rolling maul of pawns which can be set in motion by f5. The move played was introduced quite some time ago by Lillienthal. Now rarely seen these days it is a favourite of mine and has the advantage of being less analysed than it's more familiar cousin. 6. Nd6+ (0:03) Bxd6 (0:03) 7. Qxd6 (0:01) Qf6 (0:01)8. Qxf6 (0:28) Pity, I was hoping for the normal 8.Qd1 Qg6 9.Nc3 Nf6 10.f3 d5! when white has to be careful: for example, 11.de5 Nd4 with pressure. 8...Nxf6 (0:04) 9. Bd3 (0:22) b5 (0:12) 10. Bg5 (0:07) Bb7 (0:18) 11. Bxf6 (0:06) Opening the g-file for black but white will find it easier to exploit square d5 in return. 11...gxf6 (0:02) 12. Nc3 (0:37) Ne7 (0:04) 13. a3 (0:29) O-O-O (0:12) 14. Rd1 (1:01) Rhg8 (0:25) 15. Rg1 (0:20) Rg5 (3:14) 16. f3 (0:09) Rdg8 (0:21) 17. Kf2 (0:04) h5 (0:27) I'm not sure whether this is the best plan; but at 15 minutes a games I can't afford to think too much. 18. a4 (2:07) b4 (0:45) 19. Nd5 (0:06) Nxd5 (0:12) 20. exd5 (0:03) d6 (0:17) Of course 20...Bd5 would have been inadvisable due to 21.Ba6+ Bb7 22.Bb7+ Kb7 23.Rd7+. 21. h4 (2:23) Rg3 (0:36) Effectively accepting the challenge of sacing the exchange for a pawn. 22. Bf5+ (0:16) Kd8 (0:02) 23. Bg4 (0:02)
23...Rg3xg4 (0:16) 24. fxg4 (0:02) Rxg4 (0:02) 25. g3 (0:18) Rc4 (0:25) 26. Rd2 (0:07) Rc5 (0:35) 27. Rgd1 (0:06) Ke7 (0:05) 28. b3 (0:40) I was happy to see this move. Now I can occupy square c3. 28...Bc8 (0:38) 29. Re1 (0:15) Bf5 (0:21) 30. Ree2 (0:23) Rc3 (0:31) 31. Re3 (0:42) White becomes impatient with passivity! But I think he should have sat tight. 31...Rxc2 (0:41) 32. Rxc2 (0:03) Bxc2 (0:02) 33. Ke2 (0:28) e4 (0:47) I was now several minutes behind on the clock but on the board I am clearly better. 34. Kd2 (0:13) Bd3 (0:05) 35. Re1 (0:14) f5 (0:28) 36. Rc1 (0:05) Kf6 (0:17) 37. Rc7 (0:04) Ke5 (0:31) 38. Rxf7 (0:03) Kd4 (0:09) 39. Rf6 (0:47) 39.Rf5?? e3+. 39...e3+ (0:23) 40. Ke1 (0:03) Kxd5 (0:45) 41. Rh6 (0:06) Ke4 (1:33) 42. Rxh5 (0:17) Or 42.Rd6 Bc2 43.Re6+ Kf3. 42...Kf3 (0:14) 43. Rg5 (0:19) f4! (2:30) 44. gxf4 (0:15) Kxf4 (0:07) 45. Rd5 (0:02) Bc2 (0:14) 46. Rd4?+ (0:06) I think he had to take my d6 pawn. 46...Ke5 (0:20) 47. Rxb4 (0:03) d5 (0:06) 48. Rb8 (2:08) d4 (0:11) 49. h5 (1:29) d3 (0:36) 50. Rd8 (0:04) d2?+ (1:25) A mistake. What's best? Kf4 maybe. Black can now draw. 51.Ke2? (0:06) Black should simply take the pawn (see note below). 51...Bxb3 (1:08) 52. a5 (0:05) Kf6 (1:20) 53. h6 (0:12) Kg6 (0:52) 54. Rd6+ (0:03) Kh7 (0:08)
White resigns 0-1. Incredibly with the draw well in hand White now decided to concede! The drawing method is simple: he sacs his rook for my d-pawn; that pawn and my e-pawn both drop. I take his passed h-pawn and a-pawn and the subsequent ending with bishop, my passed a-pawn and king against king is drawn because my a-pawn's promoting square is of a different colour to my bishop. All white has to do is to place his king on square a1.
At the moment the following games are provided without notes and diagrams
R. Grayburn (1891) v. hachess (1760)
Rated standard match, initial time: 15 minutes, increment: 12 seconds
Played April 4th 2001
Time for each move showed in brackets
1. e4 (0:05) c5 (0:02) 2. Nf3 (0:02) Nc6 (0:01) 3. Be2 (0:03) d6 (0:09) 4. c3 (0:11) Nf6 (0:08) 5. d4 (0:04) Nxe4? (0:26) 6. d5 (0:06) Nb8 (0:33) 7. Qa4+ (0:05) Bd7 (0:26) 8. Qxe4 (0:02) g6 (0:16) 9. O-O (0:10) Bg7 (0:02) 10. Bg5 (0:38) Bf5 (0:04) 11. Bb5+ (0:05) Kf8 (0:12) 12. Qe2 (0:14) Nd7 (0:08) 13. Re1 (0:46) f6 (0:08) 14. Bf4 (0:13) g5 (0:08) 15. Bxg5 (1:27) fxg5 (0:02) 16. Nxg5 (0:16) Ne5 (0:11) 17. Ne6+ (0:23) Bxe6 (0:03) 18. dxe6 (0:03) Qc8 (0:14) 19. f4 (2:30) Ng6 (0:14) 20. Bd7 (0:15) Qc7 (0:16) 21. Qh5 (1:09) c4 (0:57) 22. b4 (4:13) cxb3 (0:06) 23. axb3 (0:06) Qc5+ (0:04) 24. Qxc5 (0:21) dxc5 (0:02) 25. Ra5 (0:12) Nxf4 (0:23) 26. Rf1 (0:32) Be5 (0:32) 27. Rxc5 (0:07) Bd6 (0:51) 28. Rg5 (1:03) Rg8 (0:34) 29. Rxf4+ (0:13) Bxf4 (0:03) 30. Rf5+ (0:02) Kg7 (0:02) 31. Rxf4 (0:02) Kh6 (0:11) 32. c4 (0:23) Rg5 (0:07) 33. Nc3 (0:37) Rag8 (0:06) 34. g3 (0:15) Re5 (0:04) 35. Nd5 (0:14) Rg7 (0:34) 36. Kf2 (0:51) a6 (0:04) 37. Kf3 (0:41) b5 (0:03) 38. Rh4+ (0:13) Kg6 (0:20) 39. Rg4+ (0:07) Kh6 (0:11) 40. Rxg7 (0:07) Kxg7 (0:02) 41. Kf4 (0:25) Re2 (0:06) 42. cxb5 (0:14) axb5 (0:04) 43. Nxe7 (0:16) Rxh2 (0:12) 44. Nf5+ (0:08) Kf6 (0:07) 45. e7 (0:34) Re2 (0:13) 46. e8=Q (0:16) Rxe8 (0:03) 47. Bxe8 (0:03) b4 (0:01) 48. Nd4 (0:09) Ke7 (0:04) 49. Bh5 (0:08) Kd6 (0:03) 50. Nc2 (0:09) Kc5 (0:03) 51. Kg5 (0:04) Kb5 (0:03) 52. Kh6 (0:03) Black resigns 1-0
haasann (1806) v. R. Grayburn (1887)
Rated standard match, initial time: 15 minutes, increment: 12 seconds
Played April 4th 2001
Time for each move shown in brackets
1. d4 (0:03) Nf6 (0:08) 2. c4 (0:05) e5 (0:02) 3. dxe5 (0:29) Ne4 (0:02) 4. Nf3 (0:20) Bb4+ (0:05) 5. Bd2 (0:05) Nxd2 (0:27) 6. Nbxd2 (0:08) Nc6 (0:03) 7. a3 (0:04) Bxd2+ (0:21) 8. Qxd2 (0:04) Qe7 (0:04) 9. Qc3 (0:02) b6 (0:10) 10. O-O-O (0:16) O-O (1:18) 11. e3 (0:18) Bb7 (0:19) 12. Be2 (0:29) Na5 (2:44) 13. Rd4 (1:13) Qe6 (4:27) 14. Rhd1 (0:36) Rad8 (0:47) 15. b4 (0:33) Nc6 (0:11) 16. Rd5 (1:05) Ne7 (1:52) 17. R5d2 (2:13) Ng6 (0:44) 18. Ng5 (0:59) Qxe5 (1:23) 19. Qxe5 (0:05) Nxe5 (0:03) 20. f4 (0:08) Ng6 (0:14) 21. Rxd7 (0:10) Rxd7 (0:09) 22. Rxd7 (0:01) Bxg2 (0:50) 23. Rxc7 (0:03) Nh4 (1:17) 24. Bd3 (1:24) h6 (0:28) 25. Ne4 (0:42) Re8 (0:26) 26. Nd6 (1:55) Rd8 (0:07) 27. c5 (0:29) bxc5 (0:11) 28. bxc5 (0:03) Nf3 (0:48) 29. Be4 (0:23) a5 (0:43) 30. Kb2 (1:10) Rb8+ (0:08) 31. Kc3 (0:11) a4 (0:09) 32. Nxf7 (0:18) Rb3+ (0:11) 33. Kc4 (0:36) Nd2+ (0:18) 34. Kd4 (0:35) Bxe4 (0:06) 35. Ne5 (0:20) Rxa3 (0:08) 36. Ra7 (0:19) Bg2 (0:09) 37. c6 (0:24) Bxc6 (0:07) 38. Nxc6 (0:03) Nf1 (0:11) 39. e4 (0:18) Nxh2 (0:10) 40. e5 (0:47) Nf3+ (0:06) 41. Ke4 (0:10) Nd2+ (0:02) 42. Kf5 (0:17) Rc3 (0:10) 43. Ne7+ (0:30) Kh7 (0:04) 44. Ng6 (0:11) Rc8 (0:10) 45. Rxa4 (0:06) Nc4 (0:29) 46. Ra6 (0:51) Ne3+ (0:13) 47. Ke4 (0:18) Ng4 (0:13) 48. f5 (0:16) Re8 (0:45) 49. Ra2 (0:24) Nxe5 (0:21) 50. Nxe5 (0:02) Kg8 (0:08) 51. Ra7 (0:06) Kf8 (0:14) 52. Kf4 (0:04) Kg8 (0:09) 53. Ng6 (0:15) Kh7 (0:06) 54. Re7 (0:24) Rxe7 (0:05) 55. Nxe7 (0:02) Kh8 (0:14) 56. Kg4 (0:07) Kh7 (0:08) 57. Kh5 (0:06) Kh8 (0:07) 58. Kg6 (0:17) h5 (0:03) 59. Kxh5 (0:01) Kh7 (0:04) 60. Kg5 (0:06) Kh8 (0:05) 61. Nd5 (0:16) Kg8 (0:11) 62. Ne7+ (0:34) Kf7 (0:08) 63. Ng6 (0:05) Kg8 (0:06) 64. Kf4 (0:13) Kf7 (0:07) 65. Ke5 (0:03) Kg8 (0:08) 66. Ke6 (0:02) Kh7 (0:07) 67. Kf7 (0:13) Kh6 (0:03) 68. Ne7 (0:30) Kh7 (0:05) 69. Kf8 (0:25) Kh8 (0:19) 70. Kf7 (0:16) Kh7 (0:03) 71. Ng6 (0:14) Kh6 (0:05) 72. Kg8 (0:13) Kg5 (0:06) 73. Nh4 (0:50) Kf6 (0:02) 74. Kh7 (0:17) Kf7 (0:04) 75. Nf3 (1:13) Kf6 (0:03) 76. Nd4 (0:07) Kf7 (0:03) 77. Kh8 (0:02) g6 (0:30) 78. fxg6+ (0:19) Kxg6 (0:03) Game drawn because neither player has mating material 1/2-1/2
R. Grayburn (1834) v. haasann (1760)
Rated standard match, initial time: 15 minutes, increment: 12 seconds
Time for each move shown in brackets
1. e4 (0:04) Nc6 (0:02) 2. f4 (0:10) d5 (0:06) 3. exd5 (0:13) Qxd5 (0:42) 4. Nc3 (0:07) Qf5 (0:36) 5. Nf3 (1:53) Qxf4 (0:19) 6. d4 (0:24) Qg4 (1:20) 7. Bc4 (3:17) e6 (0:20) 8. O-O (0:31) a6 (0:36) 9. Bb3 (3:19) Na5 (0:35) 10. Qd3 (3:07) Nxb3 (0:36) 11. axb3 (0:05) Bd6 (1:04) 12. Ra5 (0:24) f6 (0:50) 13. Ne4 (1:28) b6 (0:26) 14. Nxd6+ (0:11) cxd6 (0:03) 15. Qc4 (0:19) Ne7 (0:45) 16. Ra3 (0:48) O-O (0:13) 17. Qb4 (0:28) Rb8 (1:51) 18. Qxd6 (0:12) Bb7 (0:55) 19. Qxe7 (0:26) Bd5 (0:55) 20. Qb4 (0:46) a5 (0:44) 21. Qd2 (0:14) Rbc8 (0:39) 22. c4 (0:10) Be4 (0:30) 23. Qf4 (0:28) h5 (0:58) 24. Qxg4 (0:10) hxg4 (0:11) 25. Nd2 (0:04) Bd3 (0:31) 26. Re1 (0:04) Rfe8 (0:20) 27. Ne4 (0:15) Rcd8 (0:21) 28. Nf2 (0:26) Bf5 (0:16) 29. Be3 (0:17) e5 (0:40) 30. d5 (0:11) Rd6 (0:02) 31. Raa1 (0:14) Rc8 (0:11) 32. Re2 (0:31) Bd7 (0:12) 33. Rc1 (0:14) f5 (0:03) 34. c5 (0:08) bxc5 (0:39) 35. Rxc5 (0:10) Rxc5 (0:06) 36. Bxc5 (0:02) Rxd5 (0:01) 37. Rc2 (0:27) Be6 (0:55) 38. b4 (0:05) axb4 (0:15) 39. Bxb4 (0:03) Rb5 (0:09) 40. Bc3 (0:03) e4 (1:08) 41. Bd2 (0:33) Rb3 (0:32) 42. Nd1 (0:14) g3 (0:47) 43. hxg3 (0:11) Rxg3 (0:04) 44. Rc3 (0:05) Rg6 (0:41) 45. Kf2 (0:02) Rh6 (0:13) 46. Rc6 (0:24) Rg6 (0:08) 47. Bf4 (0:17) Kh7 (0:11) 48. Ne3 (0:09) Bb3 (0:13) 49. Rxg6 (0:05) Kxg6 (0:10) 50. Nf1 (0:15) Kh5 (0:08) 51. Kg3 (0:20) g5 (0:02) 52. Be5 (0:10) f4+ (0:14) 53. Bxf4 (0:09) gxf4+ (0:02) 54. Kxf4 (0:02) Bd5 (0:09) 55. Ke3 (0:06) Kg4 (0:05) 56. Nd2 (0:07) Kf5 (0:09) 57. g4+ (0:38) Kxg4 (0:02) 58. Nxe4 (0:02) Kf5 (0:10) 59. Nc3 (0:02) Bc6 (0:08) 60. b4 (0:09) Ke5 (0:02) 61. Kd3 (0:10) Bd7 (0:27) 62. Kc4 (0:10) Kd6 (0:12) 63. b5 (0:06) Bxb5+ (0:02) Game drawn because neither player has mating material 1/2-1/2.
J-DEFENSE (1859) v. R. Grayburn (1798)
Rated standard match, initial time: 15 minutes, increment: 12 seconds
Time for each move shown in brackets
1. e4 (0:03) c5 (0:06) 2. d4 (0:01) cxd4 (0:02) 3. c3 (0:01) d3 (0:06) 4. Bxd3 (0:03) Nc6 (0:05) 5. Nf3 (0:02) d6 (0:06) 6. O-O (0:02) Bg4 (0:04) 7. Bf4 (0:11) Nf6 (0:23) 8. Qe2 (0:23) Nd7 (0:22) 9. h3 (0:06) Bxf3 (0:05) 10. Qxf3 (0:03) Nde5 (0:07) 11. Bxe5 (0:04) Nxe5 (0:11) 12. Bb5+ (0:03) Nc6 (0:01) 13. Rd1 (0:33) a6 (0:11) 14. Ba4 (0:04) b5 (0:10) 15. Bc2 (0:12) Ne5 (0:09) 16. Qe2 (0:13) g6 (0:38) 17. b3 (0:49) Bg7 (1:12) 18. Kh1 (0:32) Qc8! (2:22) 19. f4 (0:29) Nc6 (0:11) 20. f5 (0:20) Ne5 (0:37) 21. fxg6 (0:10) hxg6 (0:13) 22. Rf1 (0:47) b4 (2:43) 23. Qf2 (0:37) a5 (4:45) 24. Nd2 (0:27) Qe6 (2:46) 25. Nc4 (1:00) Nxc4 (0:23) 26. bxc4 (0:14) a4 (0:43) 27. c5 (0:30) dxc5 (0:29) 28. e5 (0:40) Bxe5 (0:41) 29. Rae1 (0:10) Qf6 (0:38) 30. Qxc5 (0:08) Black forfeits on time 1-0
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Although I've tried my best to eliminate any errors on this page if you find any I would appreciate it if you could send me an email about it at